Profils de mouvement trapézoïdal dans WPILib


Cet article couvre la génération de profils de mouvement trapézoïdaux. Une documentation plus détaillée décrivant les concepts impliqués est à venir.


Pour un guide sur la mise en œuvre de la classe TrapezoidProfile dans le cadre du command-based framework voir Profilage de mouvement via TrapezoidProfileSubsystems et TrapezoidProfileCommands.


Lorsque la classe TrapezoidProfile est utilisée seule, elle est mieux servie quand elle est pairée avec un contrôleur de type « intelligent » (tel qu’un contrôleur de moteur avec une fonctionnalité PID intégrée). Pour l’intégrer à la classe PIDController de WPILib, voir Combinaison du profilage de mouvement et du contrôle PID avec ProfiledPIDController.

Bien que le contrôle par anticipation (Feedforward) et la rétroaction offrent des moyens pratiques d’atteindre un point de consigne donné, nous sommes souvent confrontés au problème de la génération de points de consigne pour nos mécanismes. Bien que l’approche naïve de commander immédiatement un mécanisme à son état souhaité puisse fonctionner, elle est souvent sous-optimale. Pour améliorer la gestion de nos mécanismes, nous voulons commander ces derniers en suivant une séquence de points de consigne qui interpolent en douceur la transition entre son état actuel et son état cible souhaité.

To help users do this, WPILib provides a TrapezoidProfile class (Java, C++, Python).

La création d’un profil trapézoïdal


En C ++, la classe TrapezoidProfile est basée sur le type d’unité utilisé pour les mesures de distance, qui peut être angulaire ou linéaire. Les valeurs transmises doivent avoir des unités cohérentes avec les unités de distance, sinon une erreur de compilation sera levée. Pour plus d’informations sur les unités C ++, voir La librairie d’unités C++.

Les contraintes


Les différentes classes de Feedforward fournissent des méthodes pour calculer la vitesse et l’accélération maximales d’un mécanisme, de façon simultanée. Celles-ci peuvent être très utiles pour calculer les contraintes de mouvement appropriées générer un TrapezoidProfile

In order to create a trapezoidal motion profile, we must first impose some constraints on the desired motion. Namely, we must specify a maximum velocity and acceleration that the mechanism will be expected to achieve during the motion. To do this, we create an instance of the TrapezoidProfile.Constraints class (Java, C++, Python):

// Creates a new set of trapezoidal motion profile constraints
// Max velocity of 10 meters per second
// Max acceleration of 20 meters per second squared
new TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(10, 20);
// Creates a new set of trapezoidal motion profile constraints
// Max velocity of 10 meters per second
// Max acceleration of 20 meters per second squared
frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::Constraints{10_mps, 20_mps_sq};
from wpimath.trajectory import TrapezoidProfile

# Creates a new set of trapezoidal motion profile constraints
# Max velocity of 10 meters per second
# Max acceleration of 20 meters per second squared
TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(10, 20)

Les états de départ et de fin

Next, we must specify the desired starting and ending states for our mechanisms using the TrapezoidProfile.State class (Java, C++, Python). Each state has a position and a velocity:

// Creates a new state with a position of 5 meters
// and a velocity of 0 meters per second
new TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 0);
// Creates a new state with a position of 5 meters
// and a velocity of 0 meters per second
frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::State{5_m, 0_mps};
from wpimath.trajectory import TrapezoidProfile

# Creates a new state with a position of 5 meters
# and a velocity of 0 meters per second
TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 0)

Combiner tout cela ensemble


C ++ est souvent capable d’inférer le type des classes internes, et donc une simple liste d’initialisation (sans le nom de la classe) peut être envoyée en tant que paramètre. Les noms de classe complets sont inclus dans l’exemple ci-dessous pour plus de clarté.

Now that we know how to create a set of constraints and the desired start/end states, we are ready to create our motion profile. The TrapezoidProfile constructor takes 1 parameter: the constraints.

// Creates a new TrapezoidProfile
// Profile will have a max vel of 5 meters per second
// Profile will have a max acceleration of 10 meters per second squared
TrapezoidProfile profile = new TrapezoidProfile(new TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(5, 10));
// Creates a new TrapezoidProfile
// Profile will have a max vel of 5 meters per second
// Profile will have a max acceleration of 10 meters per second squared
frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters> profile{
  frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::Constraints{5_mps, 10_mps_sq}};
from wpimath.trajectory import TrapezoidProfile

# Creates a new TrapezoidProfile
# Profile will have a max vel of 5 meters per second
# Profile will have a max acceleration of 10 meters per second squared
profile = TrapezoidProfile(TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(5, 10))

L’utilisation de TrapezoidProfile

Échantillonnage du profil

Once we’ve created a TrapezoidProfile, using it is very simple: to get the profile state at the given time after the profile has started, call the calculate() method with the goal state and initial state:

// Profile will start stationary at zero position
// Profile will end stationary at 5 meters
// Returns the motion profile state after 5 seconds of motion
profile.calculate(5, new TrapezoidProfile.State(0, 0), new TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 0));
// Profile will start stationary at zero position
// Profile will end stationary at 5 meters
// Returns the motion profile state after 5 seconds of motion
frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::State{0_m, 0_mps},
frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::State{5_m, 0_mps});
# Profile will start stationary at zero position
# Profile will end stationary at 5 meters
# Returns the motion profile state after 5 seconds of motion
profile.calculate(5, TrapezoidProfile.State(0, 0), TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 0))

Utiliser l’État

The calculate method returns a TrapezoidProfile.State class (the same one that was used to specify the initial/end states when calculating the profile state). To use this for actual control, simply pass the contained position and velocity values to whatever controller you wish (for example, a PIDController):

var setpoint = profile.calculate(elapsedTime, initialState, goalState);
controller.calculate(encoder.getDistance(), setpoint.position);
auto setpoint = profile.Calculate(elapsedTime, initialState, goalState);
controller.Calculate(encoder.GetDistance(), setpoint.position.value());
setpoint = profile.calculate(elapsedTime, initialState, goalState)
controller.calculate(encoder.getDistance(), setpoint.position)

Un exemple d’utilisation complet


In this example, the initial state is re-computed every timestep. This is a somewhat different usage technique than is detailed above, but works according to the same principles - the profile is sampled at a time corresponding to the loop period to get the setpoint for the next loop iteration.

A more complete example of TrapezoidProfile usage is provided in the ElevatorTrapezoidProfile example project (Java, C++, Python):

 5package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.examples.elevatortrapezoidprofile;
 7import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.SimpleMotorFeedforward;
 8import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile;
 9import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick;
10import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.TimedRobot;
12public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
13  private static double kDt = 0.02;
15  private final Joystick m_joystick = new Joystick(1);
16  private final ExampleSmartMotorController m_motor = new ExampleSmartMotorController(1);
17  // Note: These gains are fake, and will have to be tuned for your robot.
18  private final SimpleMotorFeedforward m_feedforward = new SimpleMotorFeedforward(1, 1.5);
20  // Create a motion profile with the given maximum velocity and maximum
21  // acceleration constraints for the next setpoint.
22  private final TrapezoidProfile m_profile =
23      new TrapezoidProfile(new TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(1.75, 0.75));
24  private TrapezoidProfile.State m_goal = new TrapezoidProfile.State();
25  private TrapezoidProfile.State m_setpoint = new TrapezoidProfile.State();
27  @Override
28  public void robotInit() {
29    // Note: These gains are fake, and will have to be tuned for your robot.
30    m_motor.setPID(1.3, 0.0, 0.7);
31  }
33  @Override
34  public void teleopPeriodic() {
35    if (m_joystick.getRawButtonPressed(2)) {
36      m_goal = new TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 0);
37    } else if (m_joystick.getRawButtonPressed(3)) {
38      m_goal = new TrapezoidProfile.State();
39    }
41    // Retrieve the profiled setpoint for the next timestep. This setpoint moves
42    // toward the goal while obeying the constraints.
43    m_setpoint = m_profile.calculate(kDt, m_setpoint, m_goal);
45    // Send setpoint to offboard controller PID
46    m_motor.setSetpoint(
47        ExampleSmartMotorController.PIDMode.kPosition,
48        m_setpoint.position,
49        m_feedforward.calculate(m_setpoint.velocity) / 12.0);
50  }
 5#include <numbers>
 7#include <frc/Joystick.h>
 8#include <frc/TimedRobot.h>
 9#include <frc/controller/SimpleMotorFeedforward.h>
10#include <frc/trajectory/TrapezoidProfile.h>
11#include <units/acceleration.h>
12#include <units/length.h>
13#include <units/time.h>
14#include <units/velocity.h>
15#include <units/voltage.h>
17#include "ExampleSmartMotorController.h"
19class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
20 public:
21  static constexpr units::second_t kDt = 20_ms;
23  Robot() {
24    // Note: These gains are fake, and will have to be tuned for your robot.
25    m_motor.SetPID(1.3, 0.0, 0.7);
26  }
28  void TeleopPeriodic() override {
29    if (m_joystick.GetRawButtonPressed(2)) {
30      m_goal = {5_m, 0_mps};
31    } else if (m_joystick.GetRawButtonPressed(3)) {
32      m_goal = {0_m, 0_mps};
33    }
35    // Retrieve the profiled setpoint for the next timestep. This setpoint moves
36    // toward the goal while obeying the constraints.
37    m_setpoint = m_profile.Calculate(kDt, m_setpoint, m_goal);
39    // Send setpoint to offboard controller PID
40    m_motor.SetSetpoint(ExampleSmartMotorController::PIDMode::kPosition,
41                        m_setpoint.position.value(),
42                        m_feedforward.Calculate(m_setpoint.velocity) / 12_V);
43  }
45 private:
46  frc::Joystick m_joystick{1};
47  ExampleSmartMotorController m_motor{1};
48  frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward<units::meters> m_feedforward{
49      // Note: These gains are fake, and will have to be tuned for your robot.
50      1_V, 1.5_V * 1_s / 1_m};
52  // Create a motion profile with the given maximum velocity and maximum
53  // acceleration constraints for the next setpoint.
54  frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters> m_profile{{1.75_mps, 0.75_mps_sq}};
55  frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::State m_goal;
56  frc::TrapezoidProfile<units::meters>::State m_setpoint;
60int main() {
61  return frc::StartRobot<Robot>();
 8import wpilib
 9import wpimath.controller
10import wpimath.trajectory
11import examplesmartmotorcontroller
14class MyRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot):
15    kDt = 0.02
17    def robotInit(self):
18        self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(1)
19        self.motor = examplesmartmotorcontroller.ExampleSmartMotorController(1)
20        # Note: These gains are fake, and will have to be tuned for your robot.
21        self.feedforward = wpimath.controller.SimpleMotorFeedforwardMeters(1, 1.5)
23        self.constraints = wpimath.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(1.75, 0.75)
25        self.goal = wpimath.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile.State()
26        self.setpoint = wpimath.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile.State()
28        # Note: These gains are fake, and will have to be tuned for your robot.
29        self.motor.setPID(1.3, 0.0, 0.7)
31    def teleopPeriodic(self):
32        if self.joystick.getRawButtonPressed(2):
33            self.goal = wpimath.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 0)
34        elif self.joystick.getRawButtonPressed(3):
35            self.goal = wpimath.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile.State(0, 0)
37        # Create a motion profile with the given maximum velocity and maximum
38        # acceleration constraints for the next setpoint, the desired goal, and the
39        # current setpoint.
40        profile = wpimath.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile(
41            self.constraints, self.goal, self.setpoint
42        )
44        # Retrieve the profiled setpoint for the next timestep. This setpoint moves
45        # toward the goal while obeying the constraints.
46        self.setpoint = profile.calculate(self.kDt)
48        # Send setpoint to offboard controller PID
49        self.motor.setSetPoint(
50            examplesmartmotorcontroller.ExampleSmartMotorController.PIDMode.kPosition,
51            self.setpoint.position,
52            self.feedforward.calculate(self.setpoint.velocity) / 12,
53        )