Programmation des interrupteurs de fin de course

Limit switches are often used to control mechanisms on robots. While limit switches are simple to use, they only can sense a single position of a moving part. This makes them ideal for ensuring that movement doesn’t exceed some limit but not so good at controlling the speed of the movement as it approaches the limit. For example, a rotational shoulder joint on a robot arm would best be controlled using a potentiometer or an absolute encoder. A limit switch could make sure that if the potentiometer ever failed, the limit switch would stop the robot from going too far and causing damage.

Les interrupteurs de fin de course peuvent avoir des sorties « normalement ouvertes » ou « normalement fermées ». Cela permettra de contrôler si un signal au niveau haut signifie que l’interrupteur est ouvert ou fermé. Pour en savoir plus sur la partie matérielle de l’interrupteur de fin de course, consultez cet article.

Contrôle d’un moteur à l’aide de deux interrupteurs de fin de course

DigitalInput toplimitSwitch = new DigitalInput(0);
DigitalInput bottomlimitSwitch = new DigitalInput(1);
PWMVictorSPX motor = new PWMVictorSPX(0);
Joystick joystick = new Joystick(0);

public void teleopPeriodic() {

public void setMotorSpeed(double speed) {
    if (speed > 0) {
        if (toplimitSwitch.get()) {
            // We are going up and top limit is tripped so stop
        } else {
            // We are going up but top limit is not tripped so go at commanded speed
    } else {
        if (bottomlimitSwitch.get()) {
            // We are going down and bottom limit is tripped so stop
        } else {
            // We are going down but bottom limit is not tripped so go at commanded speed
frc::DigitalInput toplimitSwitch {0};
frc::DigitalInput bottomlimitSwitch {1};
frc::PWMVictorSPX motor {0};
frc::Joystick joystick {0};

void TeleopPeriodic() {

void SetMotorSpeed(double speed) {
    if (speed > 0) {
        if (toplimitSwitch.Get()) {
            // We are going up and top limit is tripped so stop
        } else {
            // We are going up but top limit is not tripped so go at commanded speed
    } else {
        if (bottomlimitSwitch.Get()) {
            // We are going down and bottom limit is tripped so stop
        } else {
            // We are going down but bottom limit is not tripped so go at commanded speed