¿Qué es la programación «basada en comandos»?
WPILib admite una metodología de programación de robots llamada programación «basada en comandos». En general, «basado en comandos» puede referirse tanto al paradigma de programación general como al conjunto de recursos de la biblioteca WPILib incluidos para facilitarlo.
«Command-based» programming is one possible design pattern for robot software. It is not the only way to write a robot program, but it is a very effective one. Command-based robot code tends to be clean, extensible, and (with some tricks) easy to reuse from year to year.
The command-based paradigm is also an example of declarative programming. The command-based library allow users to define desired robot behaviors while minimizing the amount of iteration-by-iteration robot logic that they must write. For example, in the command-based program, a user can specify that «the robot should perform an action when a condition is true» (note the use of a lambda):
new Trigger(condition::get).onTrue(Commands.runOnce(() -> piston.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kForward)));
Trigger([&condition] { return condition.Get(); }).OnTrue(frc2::cmd::RunOnce([&piston] { piston.Set(frc::DoubleSolenoid::kForward); }));
Trigger(condition.get).onTrue(Commands.runOnce(lambda: piston.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kForward)))
In contrast, without using command-based, the user would need to check the button state every iteration, and perform the appropriate action based on the state of the button.
if(condition.get()) {
if(!pressed) {
pressed = true;
} else {
pressed = false;
if(condition.Get()) {
if(!pressed) {
pressed = true;
} else {
pressed = false;
if condition.get():
if not pressed:
pressed = True
pressed = False
Subsistemas y comandos
El patrón basado en comandos se basa en dos abstracciones centrales: comandos y subsistemas.
Commands represent actions the robot can take. Commands run when scheduled, until they are interrupted or their end condition is met. Commands are very recursively composable: commands can be composed to accomplish more-complicated tasks. See Comandos for more info.
Subsystems represent independently-controlled collections of robot hardware (such as motor controllers, sensors, pneumatic actuators, etc.) that operate together. Subsystems back the resource-management system of command-based: only one command can use a given subsystem at the same time. Subsystems allow users to «hide» the internal complexity of their actual hardware from the rest of their code - this both simplifies the rest of the robot code, and allows changes to the internal details of a subsystem’s hardware without also changing the rest of the robot code.
Cómo se ejecutan los comandos
Para obtener una explicación más detallada, consulte: doc: command-scheduler.
Commands are run by the CommandScheduler
(Java, C++, Python
) singleton, which polls triggers (such as buttons) for commands to schedule, preventing resource conflicts, and executing scheduled commands. The scheduler’s run()
method must be called; it is generally recommended to call it from the robotPeriodic()
method of the Robot
class, which is run at a default frequency of 50Hz (once every 20ms).
Multiple commands can run concurrently, as long as they do not require the same resources on the robot. Resource management is handled on a per-subsystem basis: commands specify which subsystems they interact with, and the scheduler will ensure that no more more than one command requiring a given subsystem is scheduled at a time. This ensures that, for example, users will not end up with two different pieces of code attempting to set the same motor controller to different output values.
Command Compositions
It is often desirable to build complex commands from simple pieces. This is achievable by creating a composition of commands. The command-based library provides several types of command compositions for teams to use, and users may write their own. As command compositions are commands themselves, they may be used in a recursive composition. That is to say - one can create a command compositions from multiple command compositions. This provides an extremely powerful way of building complex robot actions from simple components.