Giroscopio - Hardware


This section covers gyro hardware. For a software guide to gyros, see Giroscopios - Software.

Los giroscopios (o «gyros») son aparatos que miden la velocidad de rotación. Estos son particularmente útiles para estabilizar la conducción del robot, o para medir el camino o la inclinación mediante la integración (suma) de las medidas para obtener la medida del desplazamiento angular total.

Varios dispositivos populares de FRC® conocidos como IMUs (Unidades de Medición de Inercia) combinan giroscopios de 3 ejes, acelerómetros y otros sensores de posición en un solo dispositivo. Algunos ejemplos son:

Tipos de Giroscopios

Existen dos tipos de giroscopios comúnmente usados en FRC; giroscopios de eje simple, giroscopios de 3 ejes y los IMUs, los cuales incluyen también giroscopios de 3 ejes.

Giroscopios de Eje Simple

The Analog Devices 1-axis Gyro plugged into the SPI port of the roboRIO.

As per their name, single-axis gyros measure rotation rate around a single axis. This axis is generally specified on the physical device, and mounting the device in the proper orientation so that the desired axis is measured is highly important. Some single-axis gyros can output an analog voltage corresponding to the measured rate of rotation, and so connect to the roboRIO’s analog input ports. Other single-axis gyros, such as the ADXRS450 pictured above, use the SPI port on the roboRIO instead.

The Analog Devices ADXRS450 FRC Gyro Board that has been in FIRST Choice in recent years is a commonly used single axis gyro.

Giroscopio de 3 Ejes

This is the ADIS16470 :term:`IMU` plugged in to the SPI port.

Three-axis gyros measure rotation rate around all three spatial axes (typically labeled x, y, and z). The motion around these axis is called pitch, yaw, and roll.

The Analog Devices ADIS16470 IMU Board for FIRST Robotics that has been in FIRST Choice in recent years is a commonly used three-axis gyro.

The 3 axis: yaw, pitch, and roll and how they relate to robot movement.


The coordinate system shown above is often used for three axis gyros, as it is a convention in avionics. Note that other coordinate systems are used in mathematics and referenced throughout WPILib. Please refer to the Drive class axis diagram for axis referenced in software.

El giroscopio periférico de 3 ejes simplemente puede emitir tres voltajes analógicos ( y así conectar al analog input ports, o ( mas comúnmente) se pueden comunicar con uno de los buses seriales del roboRIO.