Reading Array Values Published by NetworkTables

This article describes how to read values published by NetworkTables using a program running on the robot. This is useful when using computer vision where the images are processed on your driver station laptop and the results stored into NetworkTables possibly using a separate vision processor like a raspberry pi, or a tool on the robot like a python program to do the image processing.


Verify the NetworkTables Topics Being Published

Image of OutlineViewer with the NetworkTables topics

You can verify the names of the NetworkTables topics used for publishing the values by using the Outline Viewer application. It is a C++ program in your user directory in the wpilib/<YEAR>/tools folder. The application is started by selecting the “WPILib” menu in Visual Studio Code then Start Tool then “OutlineViewer”. In this example, with the image processing program running (GRIP) you can see the values being put into NetworkTables.

In this case the values are stored in a table called GRIP and a sub-table called myContoursReport. You can see that the values are in brackets and there are 2 values in this case for each topic. The NetworkTables topic names are centerX, centerY, area, height and width.


Writing a Program to Access the Topics

DoubleArraySubscriber areasSub;

public void robotInit() {
  NetworkTable table = NetworkTableInstance.getDefault().getTable("GRIP/mycontoursReport");
  areasSub = table.getDoubleArrayTopic("area").subscribe(new double[] {});

public void teleopPeriodic() {
    double[] areas = areasSub.get();

    System.out.print("areas: " );

    for (double area : areas) {
      System.out.print(area + " ");

nt::DoubleArraySubscriber areasSub;

void Robot::RobotInit() override {
  auto table = nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetDefault().GetTable("GRIP/myContoursReport");
  areasSub = table->GetDoubleArrayTopic("area").Subscribe({});

void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() override {
  std::cout << "Areas: ";

  std::vector<double> arr = areasSub.Get();

  for (double val : arr) {
    std::cout << val << " ";

  std::cout << std::endl;
def robotInit(self):
    table = ntcore.NetworkTableInstance.getDefault().getTable("GRIP/mycontoursReport")
    self.areasSub = table.getDoubleArrayTopic("area").subscribe([])

def teleopPeriodic(self):
    areas = self.areasSub.get()
    print("Areas:", areas)


  1. 声明表变量,该变量将保存具有值的子表的实例。

  2. 初始化子表实例,以便以后可用于检索值。

  3. Read the array of values from NetworkTables. In the case of a communicating programs, it’s possible that the program producing the output being read here might not yet be available when the robot program starts up. To avoid issues of the data not being ready, a default array of values is supplied. This default value will be returned if the NetworkTables topic hasn’t yet been published. This code will loop over the value of areas every 20ms.

Program Output

Image of Riolog showing the values

在这种情况下,程序仅查看关于areas数组,但在实际示例中,更可能所有值都会被使用。使用VS Code中的Riolog或Driver Station日志,您可以看到被检索的值。该程序使用的是示例静态图像,因此区域数值不会改变。但是您可以想象在机器人上安装摄像头后,值会不断变化。