
因为:ref:状态空间表示法`允许我们紧凑地表示:术语:`系统的动力学,我们可以利用它为模拟机器人上的物理系统提供后端。 这些模拟器的目的是在不修改现有的非仿真用户代码的情况下模拟机器人机构的运动。 这种模拟器的基本流程如下:

  • 在正常用户代码中:

    • PID或类似的控制算法从编码器(或其他传感器)读数中生成电压命令

    • 电机输出被设置

  • 在模拟周期代码中:

    • 模拟的:术语:状态 使用中:术语:`输入`更新的,通常是来自PID回路设置的电机的电压

    • 模拟编码器(或其他传感器)读数被设置为用户代码在下一个时间步骤中使用



  • LinearSystemSim,用于具有线性动力学的系统建模

  • FlywheelSim

  • DifferentialDrivetrainSim

  • ElevatorSim, which models gravity in the direction of elevator motion

  • SingleJointedArmSim, which models gravity proportional to the arm angle

  • BatterySim,仅根据汲取的电流估算电池电压骤降

所有模拟类(差速驱动器模拟器除外)都继承自:code:LinearSystemSim`类。默认情况下,动力学是线性系统动力学:math:mathbf{x}_{k+1} = mathbf{A}mathbf{x}_k + mathbf{B}mathbf{u}_k`。子类重写:code:UpdateX(x, u, dt) 方法,以提供自定义的非线性动力学,例如对重力建模。


Swerve support for simulation is in the works, but we cannot provide an ETA. For updates on progress, please follow this pull request.



In addition to standard objects such as motors and encoders, we instantiate our elevator simulator using known constants such as carriage mass and gearing reduction. We also instantiate an EncoderSim, which sets the distance and rate read by our Encoder.

In the following example, we simulate an elevator given the mass of the moving carriage (in kilograms), the radius of the drum driving the elevator (in meters), the gearing reduction between motor and drum as output over input (so usually greater than one), the minimum and maximum height of the elevator (in meters), the starting height of the elevator, and some random noise to add to our position estimate.



47  // Simulation classes help us simulate what's going on, including gravity.
48  private final ElevatorSim m_elevatorSim =
49      new ElevatorSim(
50          m_elevatorGearbox,
51          Constants.kElevatorGearing,
52          Constants.kCarriageMass,
53          Constants.kElevatorDrumRadius,
54          Constants.kMinElevatorHeightMeters,
55          Constants.kMaxElevatorHeightMeters,
56          true,
57          0,
58          VecBuilder.fill(0.01));
59  private final EncoderSim m_encoderSim = new EncoderSim(m_encoder);
51  // Simulation classes help us simulate what's going on, including gravity.
52  frc::sim::ElevatorSim m_elevatorSim{m_elevatorGearbox,
53                                      Constants::kElevatorGearing,
54                                      Constants::kCarriageMass,
55                                      Constants::kElevatorDrumRadius,
56                                      Constants::kMinElevatorHeight,
57                                      Constants::kMaxElevatorHeight,
58                                      true,
59                                      0_m,
60                                      {0.01}};
61  frc::sim::EncoderSim m_encoderSim{m_encoder};


31  @Override
32  public void teleopPeriodic() {
33    if (m_joystick.getTrigger()) {
34      // Here, we set the constant setpoint of 0.75 meters.
35      m_elevator.reachGoal(Constants.kSetpointMeters);
36    } else {
37      // Otherwise, we update the setpoint to 0.
38      m_elevator.reachGoal(0.0);
39    }
40  }
 99  public void reachGoal(double goal) {
100    m_controller.setGoal(goal);
102    // With the setpoint value we run PID control like normal
103    double pidOutput = m_controller.calculate(m_encoder.getDistance());
104    double feedforwardOutput = m_feedforward.calculate(m_controller.getSetpoint().velocity);
105    m_motor.setVoltage(pidOutput + feedforwardOutput);
106  }
20void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() {
21  if (m_joystick.GetTrigger()) {
22    // Here, we set the constant setpoint of 0.75 meters.
23    m_elevator.ReachGoal(Constants::kSetpoint);
24  } else {
25    // Otherwise, we update the setpoint to 0.
26    m_elevator.ReachGoal(0.0_m);
27  }
42void Elevator::ReachGoal(units::meter_t goal) {
43  m_controller.SetGoal(goal);
44  // With the setpoint value we run PID control like normal
45  double pidOutput =
46      m_controller.Calculate(units::meter_t{m_encoder.GetDistance()});
47  units::volt_t feedforwardOutput =
48      m_feedforward.Calculate(m_controller.GetSetpoint().velocity);
49  m_motor.SetVoltage(units::volt_t{pidOutput} + feedforwardOutput);



Classes inheriting from command-based’s Subsystem can override the inherited simulationPeriodic() method. Other classes will need their simulation update methods called from Robot’s simulationPeriodic.


79  public void simulationPeriodic() {
80    // In this method, we update our simulation of what our elevator is doing
81    // First, we set our "inputs" (voltages)
82    m_elevatorSim.setInput(m_motorSim.getSpeed() * RobotController.getBatteryVoltage());
84    // Next, we update it. The standard loop time is 20ms.
85    m_elevatorSim.update(0.020);
87    // Finally, we set our simulated encoder's readings and simulated battery voltage
88    m_encoderSim.setDistance(m_elevatorSim.getPositionMeters());
89    // SimBattery estimates loaded battery voltages
90    RoboRioSim.setVInVoltage(
91        BatterySim.calculateDefaultBatteryLoadedVoltage(m_elevatorSim.getCurrentDrawAmps()));
92  }
20void Elevator::SimulationPeriodic() {
21  // In this method, we update our simulation of what our elevator is doing
22  // First, we set our "inputs" (voltages)
23  m_elevatorSim.SetInput(frc::Vectord<1>{
24      m_motorSim.GetSpeed() * frc::RobotController::GetInputVoltage()});
26  // Next, we update it. The standard loop time is 20ms.
27  m_elevatorSim.Update(20_ms);
29  // Finally, we set our simulated encoder's readings and simulated battery
30  // voltage
31  m_encoderSim.SetDistance(m_elevatorSim.GetPosition().value());
32  // SimBattery estimates loaded battery voltages
33  frc::sim::RoboRioSim::SetVInVoltage(
34      frc::sim::BatterySim::Calculate({m_elevatorSim.GetCurrentDraw()}));