Driver Station报错/警告

In an effort to provide both Teams and Volunteers (FTA / CSA / etc.) more information to use when diagnosing robot problems, a number of Warning and Error messages have been added to the Driver Station. These messages are displayed in the DS diagnostics tab when they occur and are also included in the DS Log Files that can be viewed with the Log File Viewer. This document discusses the messages produced by the DS (messages produced by WPILib can also appear in this box and the DS Logs).


ERROR<Code>-44009 occurred at Driver Station
<time>2/5/2013 4:43:54 PM <unique#>1
FRC: A joystick was disconnected while the robot was enabled.

拔下操纵杆时会触发此错误。 与消息文本相反,即使未启用机械手,甚至未将其连接到DS,也会打印此错误。 即使操纵杆已正确连接并正常工作,每次启动Driver Station时,您都会看到此消息的单个实例。


Joystick Unplugged warnings can be silenced by calling DriverStation.silenceJoystickConnectionWarning(true) (Java, C++)


Warning<Code>44004 occurred at Driver Station
<time>2/6/2013 11:07:53 AM<unique#>2
FRC: The Driver Station has lost communication with the robot.

每当Driver Station失去与机器人的通信(通信指示灯从绿色变为红色)时,就会打印此警告消息。 在建立通信之前,DS启动时将打印此消息的单个实例。


Warning<Code>44002 occurred at Ping Results: link-GOOD, DS radio(.4)-bad, robot radio(.1)-GOOD, cRIO(.2)-bad, FMS- bad Driver Station
<time>2/6/2013 11:07:59 AM<unique#>5
FRC: Driver Station ping status has changed.

A Ping Status warning is generated each time the Ping Status to a device changes while the DS is not in communication with the roboRIO. As communications is being established when the DS starts up, a few of these warnings will appear as the Ethernet link comes up, then the connection to the robot radio, then the roboRIO (with FMS mixed in if applicable). If communications are later lost, the ping status change may help identify at which component the communication chain broke.


WARNING<Code>44007 occurred at FRC_NetworkCommunications
**<secondsSinceReboot> 3.585**
FRC: Time since robot boot.

每次DS开始与roboRIO通信时,都会打印此消息。 该消息指示roboRIO的正常运行时间(以秒为单位),可用于确定是否由于roboRIO重新启动而导致通信丢失。


WARNING<Code>44008 occurred at FRC_NetworkCommunications
<radioLostEvents> 19.004<radioSeenEvents> 0.000
FRC: Robot radio dectection times

WARNING<Code>44008 occurred at FRC_NetworkCommunications
<radioLostEvents> 2.501,422.008<radioSeenEvents> 0.000,147.005
FRC: Robot radio dectection times.

当DS开始与roboRIO通信时,可能会打印此消息,并指示自上次丢失和看到无线电以来的时间(以秒为单位)。 在消息上方的第一个示例图像中,该消息指示roboRIO与无线电的连接在消息被打印之前19秒钟已丢失,并且在消息被打印时就再次看到了无线电。 如果自启动roboRIO以来发生了多个radioLost或radioSeen事件,则将包括每种类型的最多2个事件,并以逗号分隔。


Warning<Code>44003 occurred at Driver Station
<time>2/8/2013 9:50:13 AM<unique#>8
FRC: No robot code is currently running.

DS开始与roboRIO通信但未检测到运行中的机械人代码时,将显示此消息。 如果在启动roboRIO时Driver Station已打开并正在运行,则将打印此消息的1个实例,因为DS将在机器人代码完成加载之前开始与roboRIO通信。