设置 Shuffleboard 的全局首选项

有许多设置可设定 Shuffleboard 的外观和行为方式。这些设置位于 “Shuffleboard Preference” 窗格中,可以从“文件”菜单访问。


Shuffleboard supports two themes, Material Dark and Material Light and the setting depends on your preferences. This uses css styles that apply to the entire application and can be changed any time.


当您自己添加或移动它们或自动填充磁贴时, Shuffleboard 会将它们放置在网格上。您可以为每个选项卡设置默认磁贴大小,也可以更改默认设置后为创建的所有选项卡设置默认磁贴大小。网格中更精细的分辨率可以更好地控制瓷砖的放置。这可以在 Shuffleboard 首选项窗口中进行设置,如下所示。


You can save your layout using the File / Save and File / Save as… menu options. The preferences window has options to cause the previous layout to be automatically applied when Shuffleboard starts. In addition, Shuffleboard will display a “Save layout” window to remind you to save the layout on exit, if the layout has changed. You can choose to turn off the automatic prompt on exit, but be sure to save the layout manually in this case so you don’t loose your changes.


为了使 Shuffleboard 能够在机器人上找到 NetworkTables 服务器,请在“首选项”窗格的“ NetworkTables ”选项卡中指定团队编号。如果您用在机器操控台上运行 Shuffleboard ,则 Server 字段将自动填充正确的信息。如果您在没有机器操控台的计算机上运行 Shuffleboard ,则可以手动输入团队编号或 robotRIO 网络地址。