Draw.io Saving Instructions


Make sure you don’t modify any file that is in a diagrams folder, or ends in .drawio.svg in any program other than draw.io; otherwise you might risk breaking the metadata of the file, making it uneditable.

Draw.io (also known as diagrams.net) are supported when saved as svg files, with embedded XML metadata for the draw.io source file (normally stored as .drawio). This allows these images to both act as source files for the diagrams that can be edited in the future, and be rendered as normal svg files.

There are a few methods to save a diagram with the embedded metadata, but using the export menu is preferred because it allows us to embed any images in the diagram; otherwise they might not render properly on the docs.

This method is applicable to both draw.io desktop and the web version at diagrams.net.

To export go to File - Export as - SVG.... Make sure Include a copy of my diagram is enabled to embed the diagram metadata, and that Embed Images is enabled so image files in the diagram are embedded so they render in the docs. Additionally, mark the Transparent Background option to make sure the background is displayed correctly.

The export menu should look something like this:

Image depicting the export menu

Then just click Export then select where you would like to save the file and save it.


When saving, make sure you follow the style-guide at Draw.io Files