Controls Glossary


The desired state. This value is used as the reference point for a controller’s error calculation.


An input to the plant (hence the name) that can be used to change the plant’s state.


Measurements from sensors.

process variable

The term used to describe the output of a plant in the context of PID control.


The term used to describe the reference of a PID controller.


Reference minus an output or state.


A characteristic of a system (e.g., velocity) that can be used to determine the system’s future behavior.


A term encompassing a plant and it’s interaction with a controller and observer, which is treated as a single entity. Mathematically speaking, a system maps inputs to outputs through a linear combination of states.


The system or collection of actuators being controlled.


Used in position or negative feedback with a plant to bring about a desired system state by driving the difference between a reference signal and the output to zero.


In control theory, a system that provides an estimate of the internal state of a given real system from measurements of the input and output of the real system.

control input

The input of a plant used for the purpose of controlling it

control effort

A term describing how much force, pressure, etc. an actuator is exerting.

steady-state error

Error after system reaches equilibrium.

step response

The response of a system to a step input.

step input

A system input that is 0 for t < 0 and a constant greater than 0 for t \geq 0. A step input that is 1 for t \geq 0 is called a unit step input.

rise time

The time a system takes to initially reach the reference after applying a step input.

settling time

The time a system takes to settle at the reference after a step input is applied.

system response

The behavior of a system over time for a given input.


A set of mathematical equations that reflects some aspect of a physical system’s behavior.