Support Resources

In addition to the documentation here, there are a variety of other resources available to FRC® teams to help understand the Control System and software.

Other Documentation

In addition to this site there are a few other places teams may check for documentation:


Stuck? Have a question not answered by the documentation? Official Support is provided on these forums:

NI Phone Support

Have a LabVIEW, roboRIO, or Driver Station question? NI provides phone support for FRC teams during the build season at +1 (866) 511-6285 1:00-7:00 PM CST Monday - Friday.

CTRE Support

Support for Cross The Road Electronics components (Pneumatics Control Module, Power Distribution Panel, Talon SRX, and Voltage Regulator Module) is provided via the e-mail address

Bug Reporting

Found a bug? Let us know by reporting it in the Issues section of the appropriate WPILibSuite project on Github: