Módulo de control neumático

The Pneumatics Control Module (PCM)

El Módulo de control neumático (PCM) es un dispositivo basado en CAN que proporciona un control completo sobre el compresor y hasta 8 solenoides por módulo. El PCM está integrado en WPILib a través de una serie de clases que lo hacen fácil de usar.

The closed loop control of the Compressor and Pressure switch is handled by the Compressor class (Java, C++), and the Solenoids are handled by the Solenoid (Java, C++) and DoubleSolenoid (Java, C++) classes.

An additional PCM module can be used where the module’s corresponding solenoids are differentiated by the module number in the constructors of the Solenoid and Compressor classes.

For more information on controlling the compressor, see Operating a Compressor for Pneumatics.

For more information on controlling solenoids, see Operating Pneumatic Cylinders.