

This article includes sections of Controls Engineering in FRC by Tyler Veness with permission.

The Need for Control Systems


All of these examples have a mechanism which does useful work, but cannot be directly commanded to the state that is desired.

For example, an air conditioner’s fans and compressor have no mechanical or electrical input where the user specifies a temperature. Rather, some additional mechanism must compare the current air temperature to some setpoint, and choose how to cycle the compressor and fans on and off to achieve that temperature.

Similarly, an automobile’s engine and transmission have no mechanical lever which directly sets a particular speed. Rather, some additional mechanism must measure the current speed of the vehicle, and adjust the transmission gear and fuel injected into the cylinders to achieve the desired vehicle speed.

Controls Engineering is the study of how to design those additional mechanisms to bridge the gap from what the user wants a mechanism to do, to how the mechanism is actually manipulated.







A diagram of a basic feedback plant






A system diagram with hypothetical input and output

What is a Model?

A model of your mechanism is a mathematical description of its behavior. Specifically, this mathematical description must define the mechanism’s inputs and outputs, and how the output values change over time as a function of its input values.

The mathematical description is often just simple algebra equations. It can also include some linear algebra, matrices, and differential equations. WPILib provides a number of classes to help simplify the more complex math.

Classical Mechanics defines many of the equations used to build up models of system behavior. Many of the values inside those equations can be determined by doing experiments on the mechanism.



A figure of a block diagram



An image of a block diagram with a more formal notation


A Note on Dimensionality

For the purposes of the introductory section, all systems and controllers (except feedforward controllers) are assumed to be “single-in, single-out” (SISO) - this means they only map single values to single values. For example, a DC motor is considered to take an input of a single scalar value (voltage) and yield an output of only a single scalar value in return (either position or velocity). This forces us to consider position controllers and velocity controllers as separate entities - this is sometimes source of confusion in situations when we want to control both (such as when following a motion profiles). Limiting ourselves to SISO systems also means that we are unable to analyze more-complex “multiple-in, multiple-out” (MIMO) systems like drivetrains that cannot be represented with a single state (there are at least two independent sets of wheels in a drive).

Nonetheless, we restrict ourselves to SISO systems here to be able to present the following tutorials in terms of the PID Controller formalism, which is commonly featured in introductory course material and has extensive documentation and many available implementations.

The state-space formalism is an alternate way to conceptualize these systems which allows us to easily capture interactions between different quantities (as well as simultaneously represent multiple aspects of the same quantity, such as position and velocity of a motor). It does this, roughly, by replacing the single-dimensional scalars (e.g. the gain, input, and output) with multi-dimensional vectors. In the state-space formalism, the equivalent of a “PID” controller is a vector-proportional controller on a single vector-valued mechanism state, with a single gain vector (instead of three different gain scalars).

If you remember that a state-space controller is really just a PID controller written with dense notation, many of the principles covered in this set of introductory articles will transfer seamlessly to the case of state-space control.