
This guide is intended for Java and C++ teams. LabVIEW teams can skip to 安装LabVIEW for FRC(仅LabVIEW). Python teams can skip to Python Installation Guide. Additionally, the below tutorial shows Windows 10, but the steps are identical for all operating systems. Notes differentiating operating systems will be shown.


Supported Operating Systems and Architectures:
  • Windows 10 & 11, 64 bit only. 32 bit and Arm are not supported

  • Ubuntu 22.04, 64 bit. Other Linux distributions with glibc >= 2.34 may work, but are unsupported

  • macOS 11 or higher, both Intel and Arm for Java. C++ requires macOS 12 or higher with Xcode 14.


The following OSes are no longer supported: macOS 10.15, Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and any 32-bit Windows.

WPILib is designed to install to different folders for different years, so that it is not necessary to uninstall a previous version before installing this year’s WPILib.


WPILib Installer

WPILib 2024.3.2 Release - March 14, 2024


Downloads for other platforms

Release Notes

This is an update release of WPILib for the 2024 season. This release has a number of quality-of-life bugfixes.

Upgrading from earlier 2024 releases is easy: simply download and run the new installer and it will update your current installation. If you already have the 2024 WPILib vscode installed, it will detect it and you can simply click "next" for that installation step. After installation, vscode will prompt you when opening your robot project whether you want to upgrade it to this version. Note that using the installer is required to get the new version of desktop tools such as Shuffleboard. This release is compatible with both 2024_v2 releases of the RoboRIO image. Mac note: if upgrading from 2024.1.1, it is necessary to manually remove the 2024.1.1 version of AdvantageScope before running the installer in order for the new version to be installed.

Note: After updating to 2024.3.2, the deploy process will deploy an updated JRE to your robot on first deploy. This means the first deploy will take a little longer than usual.

The documentation for WPILib is located at https://docs.wpilib.org/ (if you have trouble accessing this location, https://frcdocs.wpi.edu/en/stable/ is an alternate location with the same content).

If you're new to FRC, start with Getting Started.

System Requirements: WPILib requires 64-bit Windows 10 or 11, Ubuntu 22.04, or macOS 12 or higher. C++ teams should note that Visual Studio 2022 17.9 is required for desktop builds. Mac users will need to have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed before running the installer. This can be done by running xcode-select --install in the Terminal.

If you're returning from a previous season, check out what's new for 2024. You will need a new RoboRIO image for 2024; this is available via the FRC 2024 Game Tools. Follow the WPILib installation guide to install WPILib.

If you're starting from a 2023 robot project, you will need to import your project to create a 2024 project. The import process is important, as it will make a few automated corrections for some breaking changes that happened in 2024. It is also necessary to import vendor libraries again, since last year’s vendor libraries must be updated to be compatible with this year’s projects.

A complete list of known issues with this release can be found here.

WPILib is developed by a small team of volunteers and the FIRST community.


For 2024, we have changed the location for WPILib downloads due to GitHub file size limitations. Please use the links below to download the installer package for your platform.

What's Changed since 2024.3.1

Several changes were made to address reports of robot code not immediately restarting following an uncaught exception or native crash:

  • "wpi::Now() not initialized" error is now fatal and immediately crashes by @ThadHouse in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6417
  • An uncaught Java exception now immediately exits by @PeterJohnson in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6420
  • JRE updated to not report memory allocation info, as this can hang by @PeterJohnson in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/frc-openjdk-roborio/pull/15
  • JRE error log reporting timeout shortened from 120 seconds to 2 seconds by @PeterJohnson in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/frc-openjdk-roborio/pull/16


  • Fix position feedback latency compensation by @brettle in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6392
  • Fix arm characterization crash by @calcmogul in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6422
  • Fix crash on negative feedforward gains by @calcmogul in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6425
  • Fix wrong position Kd with unnormalized time by @brettle in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6433


  • AdvantageScope updated to 3.2.1 by @jwbonner in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/WPILibInstaller-Avalonia/pull/403


  • Add structured data support for DifferentialDriveWheelPositions by @DeltaDizzy in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6412
  • LinearSystemId: Don't throw if Kv = 0 by @calcmogul in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6424

Simulation GUI

  • Use shift key to enable docking features by @PeterJohnson in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6429


  • [wpiunits] Fix Distance class javadocs to state the correct dimension by @DeltaDizzy in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6363
  • Add docs for features not supported on PDH (NFC) by @sciencewhiz in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6436


  • Remove unused private variables by @calcmogul in https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/pull/6403

Full Changelog: https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/compare/v2024.3.1...v2024.3.2

MD5 Hashes

9a6bae26d00083398ebdb430b5133591 WPILib_Linux-2024.3.2.tar.gz
36c77d22fa3600c840944637c244d06b WPILib_LinuxArm64-2024.3.2.tar.gz
9d54e02fb6c049558ddb4520249beb46 WPILib_Windows-2024.3.2.iso
e6eee31dd4fb3b10676ed3841c0f7634 WPILib_macOS-Intel-2024.3.2.dmg
9e326f2ecf90db7549ecd4ffbb840999 WPILib_macOS-Arm64-2024.3.2.dmg

SHA256 Hashes

2e3d669c4100acf64808069848c8218d5e66204304986114e726ef5c564a3de7 WPILib_Linux-2024.3.2.tar.gz
ad776cc4ce7267bec05ed4f6fe3698cd1a2291460a2ab220fe2936d8582b4777 WPILib_LinuxArm64-2024.3.2.tar.gz
ff73a846153016e588f73dd147790bf4a496019d65efa3daf2b06faef2f822bc WPILib_Windows-2024.3.2.iso
ca551ee4e44ed1135b5caa0d70920ce29fd06f260099cb85da976081e66a7aac WPILib_macOS-Intel-2024.3.2.dmg
1af409d3d05debb20120ab494f5d21f482ce270768f41221db2714c97e8db135 WPILib_macOS-Arm64-2024.3.2.dmg

You can download the latest release of the installer from GitHub.

Once on the GitHub releases page, scroll to the Downloads section.

Latest WPILib release page on GitHub

Then click on the correct binary for your OS and architecture to begin the download.



Windows 10+ users can right click on the downloaded disk image and select Mount to open it. Then launch WPILibInstaller.exe.

右键单击 .iso 文件以选择“安装”后的菜单。


Other installed programs may associate with iso files and the mount option may not appear. If that software does not give the option to mount or extract the iso file, then follow the directions below.

You can use 7-zip to extract the disk image by right-clicking, selecting 7-Zip and selecting Extract to…. Windows 11 users may need to select Show more options at the bottom of the context menu.

右键单击 .iso 文件后,转到“7-Zip”,然后“解压至....”。

After opening the .iso file, launch the installer by opening WPILibInstaller.exe.


After launching the installer, Windows may display a window titled “Windows protected your PC”. Click More info, then select Run anyway to run the installer.

For this release, macOS users will need to have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed before running the installer; we are working on removing this requirement in a future release. This can be done by running xcode-select --install in the Terminal.


When upgrading from a 2024 beta release or 2024.1.1, it’s necessary to manually delete AdvantageScope before running the installer. Navigate to ~/wpilib/2024/tools and delete AdvantageScope.


双击 DMG 文件后显示 macOS 屏幕。

Linux用户应解压缩下载的.tar.gz,然后启动WPILibInstaller。 Ubuntu将文件浏览器中的可执行文件视为共享库,因此双击将不会运行它们。在终端中运行以下命令,而不是将“ <version>”替换为要安装的版本。

$ tar -xf WPILib_Linux-<version>.tar.gz
$ cd WPILib_Linux-<version>/
$ ./WPILibInstaller




This showcases a list of options included with the WPILib installation.

  • Tools Only installs just the WPILib tools (Pathweaver, Shuffleboard, RobotBuilder, SysId, Glass, and OutlineViewer) and JDK.

  • Everything installs the full development environment (VS Code, extensions, all dependencies), WPILib tools, and JDK.



If you select Install for all Users, Windows will prompt for administrator access through UAC during installation.


下一个界面涉及下载VS Code。不幸的是,由于许可原因,VS Code无法与安装程序捆绑在一起。

VS Code 下载选项概述
  • Download for this computer only

    • 这仅下载当前平台的VS Code,这也是最小的下载。

  • Skip and don’t use VS Code

    • 跳过安装VS Code。对于高级安装或配置很有用。通常不推荐。

  • Select existing VS Code archive for offline install on this computer

    • 选择此选项将弹出提示,允许您选择安装程序先前已下载的VS Code压缩文件。该选项不是让您在机器上选择一个已安装VS代码的副本。

  • Create VS Code archives to share with other computers/OSes for offline install

    • 此选项为所有平台下载并保存VS Code的副本,这对于共享安装程序的副本很有用。

Go ahead and select Download for this computer only. This will begin the download process and can take a bit depending on internet connectivity (it’s ~100MB). Once the download is done, select Next. You should be presented with a screen that looks similar to the one below.





WPILib installs a separate version of VS Code. It does not use an already existing installation. Each year has it’s own copy of the tools appended with the year. IE: WPILib VS Code 2022. Please launch the WPILib VS Code and not a system installed copy!




安装后,安装程序将打开WPILib VS Code文件夹。将VS Code应用程序拖到扩展坞上。从桌面弹出WPILibInstaller映像。

某些版本的Linux(例如Ubuntu 20.04)要求您赋予桌面快捷方式启动功能。右键单击桌面图标,然后选择允许启动。

在 Linux 中右键单击桌面图标后弹出的菜单。


Installing desktop tools and rebooting will create a folder on the desktop called YYYY WPILib Tools, where YYYY is the current year. Desktop tool shortcuts are not available on Linux and macOS.

Additional C++ Installation for Simulation

C++ robot simulation requires that a native compiler to be installed. For Windows, this would be Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9 or later (not VS Code), macOS requires Xcode 14 or later, and Linux (Ubuntu) requires the build-essential package.

Ensure the Desktop Development with C++ option is checked in the Visual Studio installer for simulation support.

Screenshot of the Visual Studio build tools option



  • ** Visual Studio代码**-受支持的IDE,适用于2019及更高版本的机器人代码开发。即使您的计算机上已经安装了VS Code,脱机安装程序也会为WPILib开发设置单独的VS Code副本。这样做是因为,如果您将VS Code用于其他项目,则使WPILib安装程序起作用的某些设置可能会破坏现有的工作流程。

  • ** C ++编译器**-用于为roboRIO构建C ++代码的工具链

  • ** Gradle **-用于构建/部署C ++或Java机器人代码的Gradle的特定版本

  • ** Java JDK / JRE **-Java JDK / JRE的特定版本,用于构建Java机器人代码并运行任何基于Java的工具(Dashboards等)。它与任何现有的JDK安装并存,并且不会覆盖JAVA_HOME变量

  • WPILib Tools - SmartDashboard, Shuffleboard, RobotBuilder, OutlineViewer, PathWeaver, Glass, SysId, Data Log Tool, roboRIO Team Number Setter, AdvantageScope

  • ** WPILib依赖项**-OpenCV等

  • VS Code Extensions - WPILib and Java/C++/Python extensions for robot code development in VS Code

  • Documentation - Offline copies of this frc-docs documentation and Java/C++/Python APIs



  1. Delete the appropriate wpilib folder (c:\Users\Public\wpilib\YYYY where YYYY is the year to uninstall)

  2. 删除``C:Users Public Public Desktop’’中的桌面图标

  1. Delete the appropriate wpilib folder (~/wpilib/YYYY where YYYY is the year to uninstall)

  1. Delete the appropriate wpilib folder (~/wpilib/YYYY where YYYY is the year to uninstall). eg rm -rf ~/wpilib/YYYY


如果安装程序失败,请在安装程序库中打开反馈问题。`此处 <https://github.com/wpilibsuite/wpilibinstaller-avalonia>`__提供链接。安装程序在错误时应会报错,请在您的问题说明中提供有关错误原因的报错信息。