

  • A Raspberry Pi 3 B, Raspberry Pi 3 B+, or a Raspberry Pi 4 B

  • 至少8 GB的Micro SD卡可容纳所有提供的软件,建议的速度等级为10(10MB / s)

  • 一根以太网线用来连接树苺派和roboRIO

  • A USB micro power cable to connect to the Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) on your robot. It is recommended to use the VRM connection for power rather than powering it from one of the roboRIO USB ports for higher reliability

  • A laptop that can write the MicroSD card, either using a USB dongle (preferred) or a SD to MicroSD adapter that ships with most MicroSD cards


所示为便宜的USB加密狗,它将编写FRC | reg |。映像到MicroSD卡。