Introduction to Kinematics and The ChassisSpeeds Class


Kinematics and odometry uses a common coordinate system. You may wish to reference the Coordinate System section for details.


The kinematics suite contains classes for differential drive, swerve drive, and mecanum drive kinematics and odometry. The kinematics classes help convert between a universal ChassisSpeeds (Java, C++, Python)object, containing linear and angular velocities for a robot to usable speeds for each individual type of drivetrain i.e. left and right wheel speeds for a differential drive, four wheel speeds for a mecanum drive, or individual module states (speed and angle) for a swerve drive.



The ChassisSpeeds Class


  • vx:机器人在x(前进)方向的速度。

  • vy:机器人在y(横向)方向的速度。(正值表示机器人向左移动)。

  • omega:机器人的角速度,单位为每秒弧度。


非整体性传动系统(即不能横向移动的传动系统,例如:差速驱动)由于不能横向移动,其 “vy “分量为零。


The constructor for the ChassisSpeeds object is very straightforward, accepting three arguments for vx, vy, and omega. In Java and Python, vx and vy must be in meters per second. In C++, the units library may be used to provide a linear velocity using any linear velocity unit.

// The robot is moving at 3 meters per second forward, 2 meters
// per second to the right, and rotating at half a rotation per
// second counterclockwise.
var speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(3.0, -2.0, Math.PI);
// The robot is moving at 3 meters per second forward, 2 meters
// per second to the right, and rotating at half a rotation per
// second counterclockwise.
frc::ChassisSpeeds speeds{3.0_mps, -2.0_mps,
import math
from wpimath.kinematics import ChassisSpeeds

# The robot is moving at 3 meters per second forward, 2 meters
# per second to the right, and rotating at half a rotation per
# second counterclockwise.
speeds = ChassisSpeeds(3.0, -2.0, math.pi)



The static ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds (Java / Python) / ChassisSpeeds::FromFieldRelativeSpeeds (C++) method can be used to generate the ChassisSpeeds object from field-relative speeds. This method accepts the vx (relative to the field), vy (relative to the field), omega, and the robot angle.

// The desired field relative speed here is 2 meters per second
// toward the opponent's alliance station wall, and 2 meters per
// second toward the left field boundary. The desired rotation
// is a quarter of a rotation per second counterclockwise. The current
// robot angle is 45 degrees.
ChassisSpeeds speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(
  2.0, 2.0, Math.PI / 2.0, Rotation2d.fromDegrees(45.0));
// The desired field relative speed here is 2 meters per second
// toward the opponent's alliance station wall, and 2 meters per
// second toward the left field boundary. The desired rotation
// is a quarter of a rotation per second counterclockwise. The current
// robot angle is 45 degrees.
frc::ChassisSpeeds speeds = frc::ChassisSpeeds::FromFieldRelativeSpeeds(
  2_mps, 2_mps, units::radians_per_second_t(std::numbers::pi / 2.0), Rotation2d(45_deg));
import math
from wpimath.kinematics import ChassisSpeeds
from wpimath.geometry  import Rotation2d

# The desired field relative speed here is 2 meters per second
# toward the opponent's alliance station wall, and 2 meters per
# second toward the left field boundary. The desired rotation
# is a quarter of a rotation per second counterclockwise. The current
# robot angle is 45 degrees.
speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(
  2.0, 2.0, math.pi / 2.0, Rotation2d.fromDegrees(45.0))


角速度没有明确说是 “相对于场”,因为从场角度或机器人角度测量的角速度是一样的。