Task 1: Software Installation

Task: Choose, acquire, and install the software required for developing FRC® software in your desired testing language.


Documentation for installation can be found on the Step 2: Installing Software page.


For this task, use the files in the README of the Beta GitHub project instead of the files linked in the installation documentation.

Desired Feedback

Please keep the following questions in mind as you complete the task and include this information, as appropriate, in your Task 1 report.

  1. What problems or difficulties did you encounter?

  2. If there were issues - What was the configuration of the computer(s) on which you installed the software? (System memory, operating system version)

  3. What questions did you have during the process?

  4. Any specific suggestions on improving the documentation? (Were any instructions unclear?)

  5. Is there anything else you want to tell us related to this task?